File A Complaint - MC Police Department

Complaint Investigation and Resolution Process



It is the policy of the Midland College Police Department to courteously receive and to investigate complaints concerning its employees. A person who desires to make a complaint may contact a department supervisor.

Persons who desire to make a complaint must understand the importance of submitting their complaint in writing with their signature affixed

(The Texas Government Code, Section 614.022, provides that all complaints to be considered on law enforcement officers must be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.) You can file a complaint by filling out the personnel complaint affidavit.

Persons complaining orally, or by email, will be requested to submit their complaint in writing with their signature affixed and will be provided the personnel complaint affidavit.

A person refusing to make a written complaint or who makes an anonymous complaint does not necessarily prevent an investigation from being initiated on the facts provided but does cause the matter to be more difficult to process to an effective conclusion.

The purpose of the investigation is to seek out the facts in a particular situation and to ascertain the truth. Allegations contained in a formal complaint investigation may have one of five outcomes:

1. Exonerated - That the behavior in question was proper in all terms of the requirements of applicable law and departmental directive.

2. Not Sustained - Insufficient evidence either to prove or disprove the allegations(s).

3. Sustained - The allegation is supported by sufficient evidence, and or acts of misconduct were discovered during the investigations which were alleged in the complaint.

4. Unfounded - That the allegation, upon investigation, is determined to be without basis in fact.

5. Dismissed (NOT INVESTIGATED): That for administrative reasons (as the withdrawal of complaint) the complaint is administratively inactivated prior to investigation, or after an investigation has begun.

At the conclusion of an investigation/inquiry conducted by a department supervisor, the report will be forwarded to the Chief of Police, who will take appropriate action, if any.

At the final conclusion of the complaint investigation, the complainant and the employee will be given written notification of the outcome.

If a complainant deliberately gives false information causing the Department to conduct an investigation, with the approval of the Chief of Police, information can be presented to the appropriate prosecutor under the appropriate Texas statutes.

Traffic tickets or differences of opinion between police officers and a citizen over the issuance of a traffic ticket, or regarding guilt or innocence of a person arrested will not be investigated unless there is a specific allegation of misconduct against the officer.

Personnel Complaint Affidavit

Police Department

police department
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-4734
Ashley Borgstedte
ashley borgstedte
Chief of Police
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-6835
kevin brunner
Police Lieutenant
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-6833

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